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Elevate - Business Energetics & Design


You created it. You built your authority. You took the stage.

On your journey to creating success you became more than your business could hold.

And now, you feel incomplete.

You have had glimpses of other parts of you that want to be expressed and you are faced with the inevitable choice – do I burn down what I created and start anew or do I continue feeling less than I am?

You have reached the inevitable crossroads where your intuitive wisdom and your emerging gifts and skills want to take you down the road you didn’t know was there.

I’m here to tell you that you do not need to lose anything to find peace within your business. From here on in, you can expand your business to hold all of you.

I’m here to guide you on the journey.

The freedom to create a business that truly expresses all that you are begins from the inside.

I want to take you on a journey into the very core of your business where you can experience the extraordinary potential there.

This is not your typical business mentorship. Your experience grows from your intuitive cues not some arbitrary framework you need to comply with, imposing ideas or structures upon your business only limits it.

Together we will reveal the true, natural expression of your business that includes all the parts of you that have been excluded or suppressed for far too long.

Creation Code

I will take you into a world of frequency.

Frequency is the heart of energetics where you can learn the true nature of your business.

Within your expanded business is a deeper vision and a greater level of impact. There is a place for all you have become to be fully engaged and expressed in the work you do.

You can analyse the possibilities from here to kingdom come but you will never understand them until you feel them. This is what frequency work offers you. Deep, intuitive, cell-level knowing of what you are here to do.

There are five layers of business energy we will work with to reimagine and redefine your business.

Every area of business vitality and wellness will be explored through these five layers of energy.

Building insight layer upon layer, you will get to know your business so intimately that the day-to-day actions will feel like an extension of your being.

Creation Code


Five Layers

Core Frequency

The essence of your business that speaks to every cell in your body and activates your inner knowing of your fullest expression and impact.


The life force of your business that turns frequency into form.

Energetic Structures

The focus of your business, the beliefs and capacity required to hold the energy.

Energetic Dynamics

An activated energy body and energy streams required to nourish and sustain its wellbeing.

Energetic Entity

The full form and expression of your business embracing your services, community and wider network.


Core Vitality


Focusing your creative expression


Seeing beyond what is to what can be


Acknowledging the wider ripples of positive change flowing from your work


Owning the transformative change catalysed by your creative expression

Creation Code

Working energetically is an unfolding.

Together we will move through the layers and the essential building blocks of your business while building your capacity to hold the energy ready to move through you.

Typically this takes 6 – 9 months but our time together is not done then.

To support your ongoing integrative work and business expansion, messaging support is offered for a further 3 months.

Investment is £6000. Payment plans are available.

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