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Polly Hearsey June 2023Hello

I am notoriously bad at introducing myself.

My natural inclination is to dive right into a juicy conversation and then realise that it’s pretty awkward to go back to basics.

On the other hand, I will get to know a lot about you very quickly.

Not only do I ask a lot of questions, I have honed my ability to read energy over the years to the point that I can see the future trajectory of your business and what it is trying to become within just a few minutes.

It took me a long time to understand this ability and let it run free. What I have learnt is that almost everyone has an equally hard time letting their abilities and gifts take the lead.

Your business will always be richer and more fulfilling if you can find a place for all the parts of you within it. And that’s my zone of genius. I know how to take the pieces of your business apart, bring in your genius in waiting and put it back together as a new, exciting business that is built on completely different foundations.

I have very little time for conventional business thinking that forces you into a box, I am all about liberating your fullest expression and vision through a business that is forged in your intention to make the world a better place.

After my fair share of conventional approaches, I finally turned my back on skewed thinking, questionable ethics and the innately exploitative foundations of business.

Now I look to nature for inspiration and a new ethos to design businesses that have the power to heal on every level. I partner with the elements to reimagine the entire process of building a business that is in harmony with the natural world and becoming part of the ecosystem. I believe that businesses built on true self-expression naturally enrich the world.

I believe that your business is here for a reason and it needs the freedom to grow into the impact and transformation it is meant to create. That freedom can only come when it is respected as a unique energy and your business will only truly thrive when it is designed to support the energy within rather than the outer markings of modern-day success.

I know that you have all you need already for your business to be fulfilling and successful. The opportunity to show you how to turn those hidden parts of you into the fuel to make it happen is what lights me up.

There are lots of ways to work with me

here are a few to explore

Expansion Mentoring

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